Update: If you are curious about why I asked...check my comments! :)
My musings about whatever.
I’m beginning to think so. And this guy has already determined that they do. (check out his site.)
One day, Aevrik Murray may look just like his father, James. But they actually will share a lot more in common.
When Aevrik was born at 2:33 a.m. June 23 and measured 19 inches long, it turned out his father had all the same numbers 23 years ago, Michigan’s Bay City Times reported Tuesday.
James Ham, a professor of statistics at Delta College in Saginaw, Mich., told the newspaper the chance of that happening is 1 in 525,600.
"So it equals out to about 2 in 1 million that a father and son would share the same date and time of birth," Ham said.
"I just kept staring at Jimmy’s birth certificate," said Mary Murray, James Murray’s mother. "I said, 'Jimmy, you’re not going to believe this: You were both born at exactly the same time.'"
There was another birthing similarity, as well. Like his father, Aevrik was born a few weeks before his due date.
"I thought he was going to come out early because I was an earlier baby," James Murray said. "It was just a shock."
Lately, when I think deeply, or really-- philosophically, I keep arriving at the same end…in order to be happy, fulfilled thoroughly, and then pass on our positive energy, and love-- completely to others…we must look inward first.…ultimately, being happy and content with ourselves. (Comfortable in our own skin so to speak.) The bigger, but simpler picture that I see is “we” must know, and love ourselves fully and unconditionally before we can be there truly, and completely for someone else.
The first, is a quote from Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love.
I'm having a private party
Ain't no body here but me, my angels, and my guitar singin' baby look how far we've come here
I'm havin' a private party
Learning how to love me
Celebrating the woman I've become, yeah
I tried to call my mother, but
She didn't get where I was going
I called my boyfriend and he said
Call me back a little later baby
I hung up the phone, I felt so alone
Started to feel a little pity
That's when I realized that I
Gotta find the joy inside of me
I'm gonna take off all my clothes
Look at myself in the mirror
We're gonna have a conversation
We're gonna heal the disconnection
I don't remember when it started
But this is where it's gonna end
My body is beautiful and sacred
And I'm gonna celebrate it
All my life (all my life)
I've been looking for (I've been looking for)
Somebody else (else)
To make me whole (ooo)
But I had to learn the hard way (ooo)
True love began with me (ooo)
This is not ego or vanity (ooo)
I'm just celebrating me
Sometimes I'm alone but never lonely
That's what I've come to realize
I've learned to love the quiet moments
The Sunday mornings of life
Where I can reach deep down inside
Or out into the universe
I can laugh until I cry
Or I can cry away the hurt
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday
[Chorus 2x]
And finally a poem by Derek Walcot that I posted here last year.
Love After Love
The time will come
when, with elation
you will greet yourself arriving
at your own door, in your own mirror,
and each will smile at the other's welcome,
and say, sit here. Eat.
You will love again the stranger who was your self.
Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart
to itself, to the stranger who has loved you
all your life, whom you ignored
for another, who knows you by heart.
Take down the love letters from the bookshelf,
the photographs, the desperate notes,
peel your own image from the mirror.
Sit. Feast on your life.
Derek Walcott
The life of a puppy mill dog who is used for "breeding stock" is particularly shocking and sad. These dogs receive little or no veterinary care and never see a bed, a treat or a toy. Breeding animals are commonly killed after their fertility wanes, or they're abandoned or sold to another mill. The annual result of all this breeding is an estimated two to four million puppies, many with behavior and/or health problems.
There are thousands of stories to be told from those who have suffered because of puppy mills. The HSUS has compiled both heartbreaking and hopeful stories from dog owners whose dogs either suffered at puppy mills or were born at one.
Cruel and deplorable places puppy mills continue to thrive because they prey on unwitting consumers who are smitten by too-cute-for-words puppies in pet store windows and on fancy websites.
Behind the friendly facade of the local pet shop, the pastoral scenes on a website, or the neighborhood newspaper ad, there often lies a puppy mill.
What You Can Do
The number one way consumers can help shut down puppy mills is to avoid purchasing dogs from pet stores, and adopt from a local shelter or rescue group instead.
Watch this video...it is pretty touching. These dogs need all the help they can get, especially because thy can't speak for themselves, and all they want is love.
Contemplating why it is that the cops are always spending their “on duty” time chatting with the waitresses outside of Hooters. Our tax dollars at work!
Now playing: India.Arie - This Too Shall Pass
via FoxyTunes
Today, this blog is going to take a little side trip into the world of pop culture.
Were in a few movies together…they were friends, but became estranged as their careers went downhill.
I want to wish all of my fellow Americans a Happy 4th of July! : )
So he's doing it deep-dish pizza-style.
The Elk Grove Village man has arranged for thousands of pizzas to be frozen, packed in dry ice and shipped to the
"I think it's good for them. They're in too good of shape," he joked.
Evans said DHL Global has volunteered to ship the pizzas that Lou Malnati's Pizzeria offered at a special rate. He hopes to get as many as 3,000 pizzas to the troops with the "Pizzas 4 Patriots" program.
"It's saying 'here's a taste of home,'" Lou Malnati's spokeswoman Mindy Kaplan said.
But Kaplan suspects there might be some soldiers who won't feel that way.
"Maybe New Yorkers won't like it so much," Kaplan said.
Here is a video about the father, and son team!
Have a great 4th everyone! :)
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