Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Don't Really Have Anything to Say....

but this guy is a total sleazebag! Honestly it's not really a surprise that Arnold Schwarzenegeer fathered a love child with a member of his staff, is it?


Danielle said...

The more important thing to remember is that they chose to keep "LIFE"

Ferd said...

Sad thing is, it'll probably help his career as he leaves politics and gets back into the entertainment industry.

Jessica said...

I feel sorry for all of the children in this situation. Sad that his kids with Maria are having to deal with this betrayal and super sad that the son he had with this women did not know who his true father was for 10 years. I do think this will help his entertainment career, which does not say a lot about humanity. :P

Chris O. said...

It was a poor show, sure, but he'll be back. Oh yes, he'll be back.