Let's take a moment to remember those that have fought and given their lives so that we can live free. Let's take a moment to remember that their sacrifices allow us so many opportunities that we often take for granted. As we sip our beer, have a BBQ, and take a day from work, let's take a moment and acknowledge those who selflessly died in order to protect our values and freedom.
Obviously, May did not bring my full time blogging comeback as I had hoped. I had been searching for the words to describe the lack of creativity I have been feeling lately until I read a recent post on No More Empty Fortune Cookies. She described her lack of inspiration as a form of creative constipation. And there you have it, the perfect way to put into words what I have been feeling--Creative Constipation.
And speaking of creativity...here's a short talk on nurturing creativity given by one of my favorite authors, Elizabeth Gilbert. I encourage you to listen; it's very engaging, and inspiring.
I thought this was a good excuse for a hiatus in my bloggy break!!
I am so extremely excited! I just got tickets for an advance screening of Star Trek. Tomorrow!
I am a geek, I love Star Trek, and I'm really hoping that the new movie lives up to its hype. The cast looks good, and I love the work of J.J. Abrams, so it should be amazing!
Hmm, about me, let’s see…
I am passionate about animals
and their welfare. My ultimate goal is to open up a small dog rescue.
I love dogs, the beach,
sunny days,history,writing,
reading, philosophizing,and
listening to good music!